The expansion of the list of goods critical for the production of weapons and military equipment, the import of which will not be subject to the export control law during the period of martial law, was discussed during a working meeting at the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine on May 17, 2023.

This was reported by the press service of NAUDI.

"The needs of the domestic military-industrial complex require the simplification of the export control system in Ukraine, especially in the conditions of martial law. This kind of liberalization will make it possible to quickly meet the needs of the Armed Forces and to establish production cooperation with foreign manufacturers," said the executive director of the National Association of Ukrainian Defense Industries (NAUDI), Maksym Polyvianyi.

NAUDI was one of the initiators of bringing this issue to the attention of government officials.

As Mr. Polyvianyi said, in March 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the necessary decisions, which had a positive effect and made it possible to significantly simplify the import of military goods for defense needs, and to quickly arrange the supply of weapons and ammunition, which were so necessary at that time. But the urgent needs of the military industry require further steps to liberalize the relevant mechanisms.

During the meeting, specific proposals of manufacturers regarding the expansion of the list of goods critically important for the defense industry were discussed.

According to the results of the meeting, a decision was made to introduce the proposals provided by the manufacturers, and, taking into account the positions of all interested parties, to make appropriate changes to Resolution No. 1378.

Deputy Chairman of the National Association of Defense Industry Enterprises of Ukraine Vitaliy Nemylostyvyi and Executive Director Maksym Polyvianyi took part in the meeting.